Events in history can be a major part of solidifying a community and helping it grow. They can be a destructive force as well and can weaken a community. One thing that goes on today which is weakening many communities is the bad economy and all the debt that the government is in. People are losing jobs and things are becoming more and more expensive. As the economy continues to get worse people are struggling to pay their own debts and it is becoming harder to support their community. Another event which occurred among the Puritans was the Salem witch trials. Innocent people were accused of witchcraft and hanged because they would not confess. Out of fear some accused others to protect themselves from accusation and being hanged. This tore much of the community apart and put distrust among the people. Relating to that, recently a commitee was accused by Beijing when they gave a Nobel peace prize to someone they thought worked hard to bring peace. Beijing accused them because they believed they did it to tear a hole in Chinese society and to benefit themselves. These people were falsely accused as some of the people in the Salem witch trails were. Also some historic events can be harmful as well as building to a community. For example the civil war brought many people down since so many lives were taken and weakened the government and society, but it strengthened them in realizing what war is and prepared them for future war. 9/11 caused much pain to the people that lost loved ones, but brought so many hurting people together and over time they strengthened each other through the sorrow. Though historic events can tear communities apart it can also solidify them.

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